Greg and Amanda managed to keep each other warm on this chilly December day. All the way from Pittsburgh to Sheboygan to Milwaukee, thanks for spending your morning with us. Safe travels and Happy New Year to a great couple with a lot to celebrate.
Santa Claus came to town on Saturday! These nice not naughty little ones whispered their lists to Santa and even posed for a couple of photos. For a sneak peak of the pictures click here to view a slide show of Santa's visit.
What a delightful group of people! In the future we would love to photograph everyone in this family again, year ..after...year...after..year, and many little Zuerns' to follow.
Elissa's dream of a winter wonderland came true yesterday at the Renaissance Place and Davians. The weather was beautiful, the carriage ride was authentic, and the celebration rivaled the holiday parties of the season with beautiful floral arrangements. We had a wonderful time working with this couple and meeting their family and friends. Best wishes to you both!
Last evening the Villa Terrace had a fashion show and tea, the fashion show was coordinated by our good friend and designer Mary Mendla, owner of FACETS. Rishi Tea was in the house serving up plum cinnamon botanical TEA, and Boston Store had a consultant speak on the care of skin during the winter months. It's always fun to be involved in creative projects such as this.
I had a lot to be thankful for this holiday, Jon has returned from Uganda Africa, my mom is around to enjoy the family, and we will have a new member added to the family-Alice.
I will add pictures of Alice once she arrives in the USA-maybe 6-10 months from now.
Izzabelle will be missing her daddy while he's off to boot camp. Sometimes memories are hard to capture, but I'll bet her daddy will enjoy having a picture of his little doll while he's away.
A couple of weeks ago this band of artists visited the SOFA SHOW in Chicago. When it comes to personal photography it tends to take a back seat.. thus this is not a timely post, but still FUN.
I'm already thinking about what to bring in January for the wedding of Holly and Kyle. I am sure it will be a rest from the cold and blustery weather of Minnesota. I can feel the sun on my skin and the sand between my toes.
I wish I could work with images I have taken more often, but time just does not permit me to make artistic decisions and treatments to the photos. Last night Charlie and I played around with some of the images. Feel FREE TO CRITIQUE.