Thursday, February 16, 2006


It's a white out here in Slinger... good day to work on photos..

Monday, February 13, 2006

Multi Tasking Mad Man!

So much to do . . . . . . . good thing there are so many of me to do it. Hard at work in the photo dungeon today, slavin' away at Kristen & Craig's wedding book. The more I look at it the more I love it. Kristen and Craig were over the other night and had some great suggestions on how to make it even better. It should be done at ready to view in a day or two. I am so proud of it I may just post a few pages on tomorrows blog.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Milwaukee Wedding Photographers | Jenny & Barry

J & B New Year's Eve Extravaganza Wedding!

Carl's always working...

The youngest member of our team is constantly working to improve his site and ours... or

entry made by Carol.. I just do dishes..and cook..hmmmm

S & E finalize their beautiful book!

Wow, another book just about in the can...ready to go to print. each time we make a book I think about the families that are impacted by the legacy that's being left in images.