Two pretty tired parents present to the world a beautiful little baby girl named Lindy,(hope it is spelled the way they would prefer to have her name spelled)
I believe this cutie already shows signs of having dimples, don't you agree?
Around the Holidays all of us are reminded to be giving and helpful to others, but the people who are part of the Next Door Foundation, live by that credo on a daily basis. Charitable donations of time are not just for the holiday season, thanks for contributing to the good of a society.
Some folks detest it..but I am thankful because this snow storm is giving me time to catch up on work in progress. It has been a busy time. We hosted a wonderful Christmas party for photography associates, still recovering from that, but then had to scurry out the next morning to shoot at the Next Door Foundation.
Before the party I did some head shots for Mrs Washington County. The final shoot for the day after the party was Lindy.