Sunday, April 01, 2007

NEW Slideshow

Jenny & Sean slideshow (click now to view)

Click the above link --you must have the Flash plug-in installed, but don't worry, most already have it....

I just tried out some new software Carl got for creating online slide shows.... hopefully this works....It should open in it's own window. If you click on the icon in the lower right corner (once you've got the slide show open), you have controls for play back and for viewing the individual thumbnail images, pretty cool!

Many thanks to our new friend and most excellent photographer David Jay for developing this.

Milwaukee Wedding Photographers | Jenny & Sean

Rain, rain, go away...and it did...long enough to create a beautiful portfolio of pictures for Sean and Jennifer. It was great fun working for a couple who care so much about others.

Their love was apparent all day long as they smiled non stop.

Congratulations from Charlie and Carol, click this image to enlarge...