Thursday, April 19, 2007

Tami as Mommy

Tami looks like spring-the mother earth image jumps to mind. New mommy's may not feel very beautiful, but they are. She glows.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Milwaukee Wedding Photographers | Katie & Krist

We had a blast with this couple, and a martini too! (Thank you FOZ's for a GREAT location!)
Everyone came from across the country to be here for Katie & Krist, best wishes to both of you.

Click image to enlarge...

Milwaukee Wedding Photographers | Katie & Krist

Katie & Krist slideshow (click now to view)

What a fun wedding, great people who know how to party. We had a great time sharing the day with Katie and Krist, and were delighted to be an intrigal part of their experiance. As expected the day was beautiful, for sure Kate and Krist have ushered in SPRING for the rest of us. Best wishes, Carol and Charlie

FYI... we didn't want to wait to get this up, we do know there seems to be a slight glitch in one part of the play back, so check back in the next day or so to see a revised version that will hopefully play through properly..... sorry about that...

Milwaukee Wedding Photographers | Casey & Nate

A beautiful day to take engagement shots, but with these kids even cloudy and cold would have looked like sunshine. Charlie and I look forward to your September wedding, we know it will be stunning.